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About Sunshine House Montessori



Hours of Operation:                     8:00am - 1:00pm          Monday - Friday 


Children's Ages:                              2 years of age through 5 years of age


​Daily Ratio:                                        1 Miss Mimi : to 6 children (or less)


Daily Schedule:            8:00am                                Drop off 

                                             8:15am                                Morning Circle                                                                   8:30am                                Independent Work                                                          10:00am                              Snack  

                                            10:30am.                            Outdoor Play                                                                      11:30am                             Circle  

                                            12:00pm                             Lunch

                                            12:30pm.                            Story and Movement

                                            1:00pm                                Dismissal 


Sunshine House Montessori is a true learning environment. The children are encouraged to inquire, question and observe the world around them. We have a school garden that is a part of our daily curriculum, whether it's planting new vegetables, watching a caterpillar make a chrysalis or harvesting our snack for the day.  We dig in the earth and tend the garden to learn how all living things are connected.  


Yoga, Music and Meditation are also a valuable part of everyday at Sunshine House Montessori.  Teaching children at a young age how to self reflect and make time to just be is a way to curb stress and help encourage good humanity.


Lunch time is a wonderful time to experience the presence of others, use polite manners and enjoy stories.  One of my favorite parts of the day is sitting down at the table with the children to share a meal.  We set our table, say a "thank you" and feed our bellies with beautiful yummy food.  It's a great time for the children to practice listening to each other, share stories about themselves and use good manners.

Dr. Maria Montessori is known for her insightful observations of young children.  She realized that if you prepare an environment for children where they can do and explore for themselves you will be amazed by how much they can and will do for themselves.  Sunshine House Montessori has a full academic curriculum, but my focus is on helping the children to be independent, curious, kind people.  To aid in building self esteem, confidence and wonder.   


Tuition:                                      5 days a week schedule $830 per month

                                                      3 days a week schedule $700 per month

                                                      2 days a week schedule $600 per month



​​"The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn." -Dr. Maria Montessori


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